Was the first day of iLEAP testing. We had mathematics. It sucked bad. I was doing fine until the short answer questions came along. Then it all went down hill. Kallie was staring at me like she wanted to kill me. And I was the last person to finish. It took me 1 hour to finish 2 questions. Pretty bad, huh? Well after we were done the test my class got called to lunch. As usual it was gross. I had gumbo and a salad. As you all know I am clumsy. So you wont be surprised to hear that I tripped on my way to sit down. It was so embarrassing. I dropped my milk and some of my salad was on the floor. The people at my table were laughing so was everyone else. After lunch we had to go back into the class room where Ms. Sherry Kennedy ended up having to leave. So some other lady came in the class and watched us. We waited for like ever then Mrs. Pauline Bankston told us to go out to recess. I loved that part because we had like 30 minutes left before school ended. Kelsey soon found out where I was and came to talk to me. She will never go over to Kayne and talk to him. So as usual I had to shove her into him and make them talk. Boy are they stubborn. I stood there all of my recess while talking to the 2 of them. It was so funny because Kayne is like overly obsessive about his shoes so obviously I wanted to step on them to make them dirty. I tried to but he jumped up. So before he came down I tried to stomp on the other foot so he was back up again. He looked like a leprechaun hopping around. It was hilarious. I talked to Ben to because a circle kind of formed with me, Kelsey, Kayne, and a bunch of other people. William came to join and that is when I noticed his hair and nails. Somehow Raven and other people put his hair up in pig tails and painted his finger nails hot pink. I thought he was a girl at first. But he wasn't the only 1 that had pink finger nails. I saw Christian throw his hand up and the pink was beaming. Pink is totally his color. Plus he had to tie my shoe for me so I saw the nails then. After recess when all of my friends got on the bus I went to the car rider side. When I got there I didn't see my cousin so I kind of worried. On my way over there Christian caught up to me and we were walking. As soon as I got there I saw more people coming. They stood by the dumpster where I was. It was kind of stinky. Owen, Christian, Cody, and Dalton were there. We were all talking. It was a little gross when all of the boys were together because they pulled there pants up really high like nerds and walked around. Then they just stood there and Christian sat down. Randomly he said to me that he wants to tackle me. I tell him no and he asks why so I told him that I didn't want to get dirt from being on the ground. But he didn't listen to me. So him and Dalton pick up my legs and wouldn't put me down. Then they almost drop me but a teacher came so they put me down. After that everyone was talking and Owen had to leave but Cody, Christian, Dalton, and I were all still there. A few minutes go by of talking and my dad drives up. He was driving Betsy, his old Ford pick up truck with a cap on the back. I tried to not tell anyone it was my ride but that didn't work so now they know about the truck. When we left school we went straight home. I had to let out the dogs put them back in and then I came in my room to get on myspace. I was on until 6:30 then I had to go to dance class. At dance we were doing all sorts of stuff. I would tell you but I cant spell any of the stuff that we did. Soon I got tired of Kallie being mad at me so I attempted to talk to her. Which didn't work because she ignored me and walked away. So I think that I will give up on that. Because I really don't care. When my mommy came to pick me up from dance she brought my puppies. Just a few weeks ago my toy poodle had puppies, 3 boys and 1 girl. Unfortunately I am not allowed to keep them so she was trying to sell them at the studio. The boys are $5oo and the girl is $650. So if anyone wants 1 tell me. As soon as I got home from dance I came back to my room to get back on myspace. The main reason that I keep checking mine is because I have a new picture. But I want a lot of comments on it. So I check it all the time to see if I have any more. Right now I think that there are 29 comments. That is still not enough though. You should go and comment my picture. But now it is late so I will stop writing. Good night.
Christina Schlegel
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